Monday, December 16, 2013

Reestablishing the Empire with Benito Mussolini: EC

Mussolini during his reign in Italy wanted to relate his new Modern Empire to that of the Old Roman Empire under the rule of Augustus. In my recent posts I always emphasize his love for flight and how he wanted to use it to express the power that his nation had through aviation and their aeronautical prowess.  He chose the airplane as the tool to steer Italy towards a modern future because it's advancement in transportation.  Augustus did the same with roads.  Roads in his time period were important because they are what allowed for the expansion of the Roman Empire.  Ships were also important in expansion and both are modes of transportation.  The plane dissolved national boundaries and physically bridged the gap between land masses all over the world.  This is important because of the context that Mussolini places himself in.  I have two images below.  One is of Mussolini and the other of Augustus.  Just by glancing at the two images you can tell he was trying to represent himself in the manner of Augustus.  However, he just made it to reflect the modern society that he is establishing.  Augustus is seen in his general garb as a militaristic leader in an oratorical stance.  The militaristic garb is important because it shows Augustus as the leader of the empire and as the leader of the armies that made them such.  Mussolini is doing the same but instead of a militaristic general garb he is wearing an aviators suit.  Representing himself as an aviator shows him as the leader of the Modern Empire while showing his ability to control the magnificent machines that will allow them to expand and grow.  He also locates himself in the cockpit of a plane that gives him a podium to speak from as he also represents the oratorical stance of Augustus.  His representation of the aviator in Italian propaganda made them easy to idolize.  Taking on the task of aviator in true form made it easier for the public to be amazed with him and adore him.  His propaganda and ability to represent himself to the people was pretty astonishing.  If only it would have worked out better. 

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