Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Emphasis on the Individual: EC

In regards to my recent post on WWII propaganda in the Philippines I wanted to expand on my visual analysis' findings on emphasizing the individual.  There was not necessarily a strong emphasis on the individual in the last flyer in a straight forward, in the face type of way, but there was a notion that you are the one that should be experiencing it.  Propaganda is very effective when it places the viewer in the image or setting that they are trying to express.  It is a way to draw emotion and feeling from the viewer in hopes that the propaganda will get them to do what they want.  It is the same for advertising in a product except these products are branches of the military.  In one of the most iconic American images of all time, Uncle Sam, emphasis on YOU is very important.  Here you have on of the most American people you will ever see, white beard and hair representative of presidents of the old days and their powdered wigs while also showing age and wisdom.  Along with that are easy to see wrinkles and depressions in the face, again showing age and wisdom.  He loudly wears the colors of the United States of America with stars on his hat just to make sure you know we're talking about America here, not France or modern Russia (who also have red/white/blue flags).  His eyes are gazed directly at the viewer with a stern brow and a very aggressive point towards you.  The 2D image almost gets a feeling of 3D with the point being in the foreground.  It also gives the impression that Uncle Sam is directly in front of YOU speaking at YOU.  Then there is the famous line, "I WANT YOU.... for U.S. Army."  YOU is boldly expressed larger than the rest of the font and with reverse colors.  The other letters are black with a red outline, but here they are red with a black outline, making them stick out more than the rest.  YOU are the emphasis.  HE is talking to YOU.  Uncle Sam also has a very angry or disappointed look on his face as if you don't listen to him America will be very angry with you for not enlisting.  This type of propaganda directly effects the viewer as it places him in a setting where someone is directly talking or acting towards you, the viewer.  It is an effective way to advertise and a strong use for propaganda.  There are many other images like this for the military branches of America and I'm sure there are many others like this for other countries as well. 

Until next time.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. As always, great job with your visual analysis!
    3 out of 3
